Just last week I realized just how much I had missed my weekly dose of American Idol. So today, with nothing to do, I popped into the VCR a couple of episodes from last season.
I really do not enjoy the preliminary episodes; I prefer the competition. And it's interesting to watch an old episode with time and distance as an advantage. What did I decide? Camile was still awful. So was JPL. The episode I watched was a good John Stevens performance. But Matt Rogers, a contestant that I abhorred last season, really was much better than I remember him being. He certainly was ejected much too soon.
I miss these guys. I miss season two. I miss season one. So, in my relative boredom, I compiled a list of my AI all-stars. If I were hand-picking the final twelve from the first three seasons, who would I pick? Ten were easy; coming up with 12 was impossible.
In no particular order, here they are:
Ruben and Clay. Was there ever a more dramatic friendship/rivalry/showdown that the two guys from the season two finale? Both so different, but both so talented. This was what this show was made to produce.
Fantasia and Diana. Two girls from the south, picked from semi-final round one and are the
last two standing in season three. Unlike Ruben and Clay the season before, there was a clear winner here, but Diana held her own throughout the competition, until a nasty clinker of a note on finale night. But Diana didn't lose; Fantasia just blew everyone else away.

Kelly Clarkson and
Tamyra Gray from season one. Tamyra was inexplicably dumped too early, but it's doubtful she would have beaten Kelly, who has proven that she's a star with staying power.
These are the obvious choices. Now to the less obvious, but not difficult.
Latoya London. Anyone who watched seaason three understands that choice on pure vocal talent. In the end it was her aloofness that was her undoing.
Kim Locke. That final thr
ee group from season two was awesome, and Kim has proven with her hits that she belonged next to the two men.
George Huff. Oh, how I love George. I loved him in season three, and I love him today. He entered the competition under strange circumstances, but, by the time his run was over, had proven to the voters and to the judges that he should have been put in the final 32 from the beginning.
Amy Adams. Okay, I know this might irk some people who counted Amy as just season three's pink-haired contestant
(and we must have one each year!), but I was an Amy fan before the semi-finals even began. And, watching her performance on the tape today cements that appreciation. Unfortunately the voters, so enamored by JPL, Camile and John Stevens, did not allow her the space to prove it to everyone else. Hers was the first of the unfair ejections last season.
That's my absolute final ten. But twelve? That's a bit of a problem.
I considered Trenyce, for the strong performances she did turn in in season two. Josh Gracin is on the list, even though his performances in season two were nothing short of erratic -- either really good or really bad. Jennifer Hudson is on the list, because, as poorly as she began season three, she did prove herself able, but her attitude was problematic last year and that's still why I hesitate to give her any sort of credit. I even considered Rickey Smith, not because he ranks with the ten, but because he was just so darn much fun in season two. Justin Guarini is on the list too, not that I was ever a fan, though I adored him. Unfortunately, being cute and adorable and giving one really standout performance doesn't make you an all-star.
So I give up. (Now I'm going to work on my Bottom 10 list, the ones who should have never made any cuts at any time on any show.)
Who's on your American Idol All-Star list? If you make a list, please be sure to leave a link in the comment section, so we can all see.
And on a side note, I will be posting AI reminders every Tuesday and Wednesday, so if you're missing the show because you keep forgetting it's on, just put this blog on alert! I promise not to spam you.