The person in charge of phone number graphics has been reprimanded. No word yet on whether said person has been fired. I am still hoping said person will be beheaded.
We're going to do it all over again, but at least we have a clearer idea of how it's going to happen. The performances tonight will be taped replays (just like they were yesterday, since the show taped on Monday). The new "live" material will be additional commentary from the judges and the contestants, with the usual, annoying banter by Ryan.
So, was this an unintentional brain fart by some outsourced cleric, or was this the biggest covert conspiracy since Clay/Ruben in season two? The rumors are running amok, sending dust into the face of the still-lingering Mario controversy. Well, we must admit, controversy gains publicity, and Idol is gettings its fair amount of that.
But c'mon. Does anyone seriously believe that the producers called for a revote because their favorite pulled in the fewest votes? Get real. The fiasco affected six performers. Only Nikko, Constantine, Bo, Nadia and Vonzell are not affected, because they were in the middle of the pack. Only the first three and the last three could be affected by people not bright enough to know that the last performer (Jessica) could not possibly have been assigned 03 (Scott's number).
The problem is the fallout if one of the last three were to pull in the lowest number of votes, and only because of the hint of scandal over the incorrect graphic. And, of course, Mikalah, the one most deserving of the hook, was one of those three. So, while reasonable people would understand that the vote probably wasn't tainted, the producers are really doing the only safe thing to protect what integrity this show still has. (Even though the argument that might ensue, that Mikalah was booted not because of her lack of talent, but because of bogus voting could make for a good deal of blog fodder.)
I don't blame them for the do-over. Plus it's getting a ton of free advertising.
But, because there are just as many tons of folks out there who live on Jerry Springer and conspiracy theories, the rumors will continue to fly. After all, people are still running around with the "Clay Got Robbed" corncob stuck up their butts.
Gotta love this show.
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