Tuesday, April 5, 2005

climb every mountain to get to oklahoma...

And so it's "musicals" night on Idol.  Boy meets girl and music ensues.  Or something along those lines.

It's do or die time for many of the contestants, several of whom few would have put in the danger zone for many weeks to come.

Bo and Carrie are still safely tucked in their frontrunner status, and Constantine and Vonzell, barring some sort of meltdown, are happily keeping them company.  But the others?  Everyone but these four remain hanging off the cliff, potential victims to the clunky note, boring performance or Simon's "unlikeable" label.

In all likelihood, Scott is in the greatest danger tonight.  This week's reveal that he has an arrest record will undoubtedly turn some people into anti-Scott zealots.  His advantage is that there were already a number of anti-Scott voters out there, and he has survived thus far without a trip to the seal.  His fans will probably hit the phones longer and harder, though, in the face of this adversity, but he really needs to prevent a repeat performance of last week's disaster to help to ensure his stay in the game.

Anwar also needs to watch some tapes from the semi-finals.  He needs to remember why he entered the finals one of the frontrunners, but found himself in the bottom two last week.  Moon River, Anwar!  What a Wonderful World, Anwar.  Classics, Anwar.  That's where your strength is, and, after three disappointing performances so far, you need to return to that strength. 

An uber-performance from either of these two will spell trouble for the remaining three, including the two who should have exited stage left before the dearly departed Jessica.  Nikko's fan support seems to be growing faster than the national debt, but the bull's-eye on Nadia's forehead seems to be expanding.  And Anthony is hanging on by the skin of his young fans, most of whom think he's cute.

With this group, predicting the bottom three before the show has aired is virtually impossible, simply because of the unpredictability factor, which is what is making this season far more entertaining than the last.  But I'll try.

Bottom three:  Anthony, Nadia, Nikko.
Going home:  Anthony. 

But I said that last week, and, while he deserved to, he didn't even leave the couch, much less the competition. 

So what do I know?

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