Wednesday, May 26, 2004

as the votes are counted, the precincts are reporting in...

And the precincts are pretty much saying the same thing.  Fantasia by a landslide.  But why listen to me?  Here they are, as they are reporting in...

Sting7 from Reality News Online can't think of any other word but "triumphant."  That's a good word.  We should use it more often.

Nicholas Fonseca, commenting for Entertainment Weekly's, uses the term "Bobo" more often than Amy changes her hair color.  But I must object to his use of the term "honky-tonk torture."  Watch what you say about my girl, Nick!

The Raging Critic has decided to end the self-imposed Idol exile, but may still be crying, so I don't want to kick someone in tears.  Dry the tears, baby doll.  It will be okay.  Hawaii still loves you.

Lisa is still jumping for joy!  And Bethany's still trying to get her to sit down.  I wonder if she got any more votes in cause I sure didn't, even though I had three phones using all three numbers and the word "redial" no longer appears on two of them.  Drats.  Foiled again.

The judges at Foxes On Idol are in complete agreement for maybe the first time this season.  Even though the Diana lovers are putting up a good case for their girl to win, all of them say they're fans of Tasia.

Tamar is ticked off at Verizon and at a hotel.  (Ask her.)  And she questions why anyone would vote 145 times for Diana.  (Personally, I want to know how anyone voted 145 times for either or both of them.  All I heard was busy signal.)  But she does agree that Fantasia will get a much better deal on her first single than poor Ruben did.

Sarah is keeping it short and sweet.

Professor Yin and Professor Althouse both believe that Fantasia should win but that Diana will win.

Ken Barnes of USA Today seems to think that Diana dropped the ball as opposed to Fantasia slam dunking it.  I apologize for the basketball metaphors, but the Pacers play tonight.  I also apologize for the lack of italics, but something wacko is going on when I use them, so I've opted not to.  Please insert italics wherever you wish.

Shack at TWoP gives us his recaplet, which will just have to hold us over.  He's not as concerned about the outcome as he is the public health and welfare concern Tamyra's song will cause.  It could get serious.  And deadly.  Heaven awaits.  I think it's heaven, anyway.  Decide for yourself.

Adam at Throwing Things starts throwing the lyrics of Don't Cry Out Loud all over the place.  A word of caution though ... he's never been a fan of Diana, and he's only a half-fan of Fantasia.  He's still crying buckets over Frenchie and, presumably, was happy to see Tamyra.  But he misses Scooter Girl.  Hmmm.  Let's examine this:  Frenchie, Tamyra, Scooter Girl.  What is wrong with this picture?

OOPS.  MY BADI clicked my own link to revisit Adam's entry at Throwing Things.  And he makes it very clear that he's not just a half-fan but a full-from-the-beginning fan of Fantasia.  So consider me sufficiently embarrassed and self-slapped.  That will be the last time I try to rush through a blog jog entry.  At least until the next time.


UPDATE:  Well, it looks as though Fantasia has made everyone look brilliant.  Thanks Fantasia!

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