Tuesday, May 25, 2004

the finale -- what a rip-off

I was so looking forward to the American Idol finale.  Last year it was Ruben v. Clay, friends going toe-to-toe, singing one song forced upon them and two of their choice.  The songs forced upon them were crap.  Both songs.  Then one sang Lennon, the other McCartney.  Then Clay put a forever new spin on Bridge Over Troubled Water.  The performances were a bit shakey, but overall it was a grand show, complete with robed choir.

This year.  I can think of a lot of words to describe this show, but grand ain't one of them.  Boring, cheap, lazy, ick come close.  They should have just plunked the ladies down on the sofa with Ryan while he grilled them about their favorite food, and then let them sing one of their favorites.  No originality.  They force the girls to sing the same song, co-written, in case you haven't heard about a thousand times already, by former Idol contestant Tamyra Gray, whose CD, produced by 19 Entertainment debuted today.  (And then Simon objects to the lyrics being sung by a 16-year-old, like she had a choice.  Give us a break.)

Yes Diana, the judges said you were wonderful when you performed No More Tears and Don't Cry Out Loud.  But why drag those songs out again?  Yes, Fantasia, your Summertime was magnificent the first time.  It was good on the "Ode to the Final Five" show.  It was good again tonight.  But by this time it just isn't special anymore.  It's predictable. 

And Simon.  You tell Fantasia that you believe she is the best Idol contestant in the history of Idol contestants.  Do you really want her to place second that bad?  You have collectively angered the Clay people.  (And we all know that ticked-off Clay people are a force that no sane person wants to reckon with.)  The Ruben people might also be feeling a little hurt.  The Kelly people might be taking offense about now.  The Kim Locke fans might be a little ticked.  The fans of Tamyra Gray -- the co-writer of the new Idol's first single, in case you haven't heard -- could be smarting.  There are still some of us that still love and remember Frenchie Davis, and might have our noses out of joint at that remark.  And there remains some LaToya London and Jennifer Hudson people out there, still smarting that their girls never had the chance to even crack the final three.  (Simon, wasn't it you just a few weeks ago that believed LaToya would and should have won the whole shebang?  Just asking.)  And, even though they don't vote, Simon, you may have just ticked off all of Canada and Australia, like America needs any more bad press.  Fantasia is wonderful.  No question.  But everything is subjective, Simon.  And the voting was just beginning.  Perhaps your comment was better suited for the results show.  Or better left unsaid on the show at all.  Save it for ET where you can just spill your guts all over the place.

And then Paul Anka.  Again this year?  Hell, he couldn't even make the top 32 nowadays.  And, once more, a recycled song.  How many times, how many possible ways can that song be revised to fit the event of the moment?  I think he should have sung Diana.  Just for fun.  And then he could have flipped the lyrics to that song to... Fantasia.  Just for fun.  I guess when you write a song you can just change it all you want.  But do you really have to?

It was nice to see the other Idol contestants, though. So the entire show wasn't a letdown.  Except for Amy.  Amy, some of us loved your pink hair.  How dare you color it boring black before the voting has concluded.  I love you anyway Amy.  I wonder what color it will be for the concert tour.

Did you like it?  Or was it just me?  (The show I mean.  Not Amy's hair.)


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