This is entry number one (Whoopie!) in my blog devoted to American Idol. I've been blogging about Idol in my main blog, Random Ramblings, this season, but I found that there was so much I wanted to write about, that my main blog was becoming an Idol one. And I didn't want people to think that my life really was entirely devoted to American Idol, so a second blog made perfect sense. Here I can just comment and comment, and it's completely okay! Because that's what it's for.
I do make a few promises. I will be objective. I will not favor any one contestant, even if I have a clear favorite. (But I will tell you who my favorite is. So any pimping will be completely intentional and obvious. If you don't like it, start your own journal!) And I will not let this blog become stagnant. There may be days when I don't post an entry, but that's usually because there's nothing to post about. This will not be a two or three-entry blog and then left to wither away in the cyber-sun. I love reading other people's take on this show, but it's frustrating to no end to find what looks like a good blog through a search, only to find it has just two entries from two months ago with just an "I love so-and-so..." as the Idol-related search find. I will remove quickly any offensive comments. One of the reasons for starting this blog is to get away from the increasingly-disgusting AI message board(s). And I will try to be funny. I usually always try, but I don't always succeed.
Now it's total suck-up time:
I was asked a while ago by the AOL entertainment people if they could feature Random Ramblings on the cover of TV Talk. Well, Ramblings is not a TV blog, so I decided against it. (Then I was never able to respond because the e-mail was cyber-shredded.) So, I'm not gonna play humble here, I'm hoping for a re-invite! Hey Editors! Here I am!! (Dang, I'm feelin' a lot like LaToya London right now!) But it really don't matter, cause I'm gonna have a great career anyway. Hey Editors! Pick me! Pick me!
I know that it's kind of late in the Idol game right now. I mean, we're down to three, and I'm just starting. I'm sorry editors. :::tears::: But I didn't think about it until late. ::::::more tears:::::: And it never occurred to me that anyone might want to read what I wrote. ::::::sniffles::::::: So, I'll try to do some cutting and pasting from Ramblings to this blog, Idoling, from the last show. I said I'll try. I'll do my best. Please don't be harsh with me. :::::tears::::: I love you Hawaii! [Hey, why worked, didn't it?]
Okay now AOL Editors: I can git down wit da git down. You know dawg? So here I am! I'm down here!! I'll be waiting!!! I mean I don't wanna be one of those high fallutin top 5 editor's picks or anything. (How do you spell fallutin?) There will be no poetry here. And very few photos. I'm just a young blog from a small town, but I have a big voice. Come on y'all...everyone on your feet! Pick me! Pick me!
I'm your American Idol blog!
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