Monday, May 24, 2004

checking in with the pundits...

I'm taking a jog through all of the American Idol analyses.  And I'm finding some good stuff.  I'll probably find more tomorrow, as we get closer to the final performances, and lots more on Wednesday as we prepare for the finale.  Great news:  both Ruben and Kelly will appear on the finale and, presumably, will perform!

Back to the pundits.  Read a very convincing argument why Diana should win.  Her primary argument is that Diana has cleared considerably more hurdles than has Fantasia, and that Diana has the purer voice of the two.  She contends that Fantasia has "maxed out" and that Diana has tons of room left to grow.  I think she could have a point here.  Click and read for yourself, and let me know what you think. why Fantasia should win.  She concentrates on the difference between natural and manufactured talent, between life experience and the naivety of youth.  Her point that these days performers like Diana are about a dime a dozen while there's really no one out there like Fantasia is well taken.

But again, read for yourself, decide and let me know!  Please!  I'm getting lonely.

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