And the robed choir showed up. Dang, I was holding out hope for the bare-chested male dancers. Oh well. Maybe next season. But at least we got a glimpse of the fallen Idol-wannabes. Amy has black hair now. And John's is still red.
And so, the American Idol competition is over, except for the coronation. Why did the girls get to sing recycled songs? That really wasn't the brightest idea. When I heard that they would be able to sing songs they have sung already this season, I really hoped that each of them would leave their greatest moments right where they were, and grab something else. Fantasia's best performance this season was Summertime during movie week. Diana's was Don't Cry Out Loud, the song Clive Davis picked for her during the final three show. And yep, both of them planned those songs again. Why? Great moments should be left right were they were: frozen in time as great moments. Don't take even the remotest of chances that the memory of that moment will be tarnished. But neither of them called me.
Going into the second song, Diana had the edge. Fantasia's struggle with the first number was obvious and, even though Diana's rendition of the original song (co-written by Tamyra Gray remember) was not what I would call stirring even with the robed ones, it was the superior performance.
Diana then drags out her disco night arrangement of No More Tears, and it sounds pretty much the same as the first time. Why couldn't she have worked up a new one? Was it just that much trouble? And then Fantasia is there again. Sitting. On the stage. She's gonna do Summertime. Again. And she does it. Pretty much the same as last time. Brilliantly. But it's just getting a little old now. How many times is this? By my count, three. Can't she come up with something new? There's just something about this recycling of songs, something they did not do last season, that is irking me. Did it really take the girls the entire preparation time to memorize a Tamyra song. (Tamyra co-wrote the song the new Idol will record, in case you haven't heard or have forgotten since the previous paragraph.)
Score's even, and one more song to go.
And then it happens. The proof to my logic. Keep a great performance frozen in time. Diana whips out the Davis selection. And she whips it to death. I've criticized this girl into next week for her automated, robotic performances and, on the final night no less, she decides to tank? She decides to choke? I don't know what that note was that she hit, but I'll bet it hurt someone three rows up. What a disaster. And what bad timing.
Fantasia takes the same Tamyra co-written song and, along with the choir, not only raises the roof of the Kodak Theatre, but blows the thing off like a tornado. This was the perfect performance. That performance alone should win her the title. I now think we know who will be waving the pageant wave tomorrow night. And it won't be the pageant veteran.
So vote. Vote often. They're giving you four hours. They're giving you three lines per contestant. (This is a good sign that FOX, etc. is listening to the criticism, and may just work on righting a few of the wrongs! Let's hope so.) Vote for your choice. Not who the judges tell you, or who I or anyone else tells you. Vote for the one you want to see and hear from for the next several months, because you will. She will be everywhere. Vote for the one who deserves to win.
And that's Fantasia. If there was any doubt before, tonight shot that doubt all to hell.
* photo from press
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