Saturday, May 28, 2005

16 days and counting...

But don't start camping out at the Wal-Mart just yet.

If you watched Larry King Live last evening on CNN, you may have caught the passing reference to June 14 being the scheduled release date for Carrie Underwood's debut single "Inside Your Heaven" with "Angels Brought Me Here" as the flip side.  (I still think they should reverse those.)

Of course, they didn't specify June 14 of what year exactly.

And, you may have heard Simon (via the telephone), Randy and Paula urge both Bo and Carrie that it is best to hold off in order to release a quality product rather than to release it quickly.  How nice of them to already start making excuses why the CD will, inevitably, be delayed in its release.  It happens every year.

And, as is customary, Bo's single CD will hit the stores soon afterward.  They learned during season two that it's a nice gesture to let the winner of Idol have at least a week alone in the stores before pitting the two top competitors against each other, once again, this time on the charts.

But the most interesting tidbit of information was not explicitly revealed but so very often alluded to and poorly masked.  Bo, it seems, is very "happy", according to Paula.  Things are, according to Bo "in the works," to which Ryan laughingly (and knowingly) called him a "liar." He wasn't giving any specifics, probably because a.) no one wants to usurp Carrie's spotlight and b.) he may be contractually prohibited from releasing any information at this time, but it was quite apparent that, if Clive Davis hasn't already signed him to a deal, which I am virtually certain that he has, then the signing is imminent.

So I don't expect as long a wait for a Bo Bice (quite possibly with Sugar Money which would have not been possible had he won) full-length CD as the Diana DeGarmo fans had to endure for last year's runner-up's debut album.

Sounds like a win/win situation all around.

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