Thursday, May 26, 2005

favorite finale moments...

Reviews are mixed on last night's results finale, but, excepting the traditional first hour of glorious nothingness, it was probably the best of the four finales, giving one more spotlight to the twelve finalists who laid their hearts out on that stage for us to either applaud them or crucify them.

There were some memorable moments, sprinkled throughout the two hours, though, and since I'm nearing the end of the Idol blogging season, I'm going to take a moment to remember the moments that made me wipe my eyes, or wipe the spewed beverage off my shirt.

Of course they couldn't resist starting the show off with the cheesy group song, this year doing a Beach Boys retrospective, and, as always, dressing them in Brady Bunch coordinated outfits.  (What is their fascination with yellow and white?)  The vocals were, on the whole, wretched, especially coming out of our least favorite, Lindsey, but there was one spew moment, thanks to our favorite pouter, Constantine, who, it seemed, had more fun than anyone else.  Does the photo look familiar?  What better way to end his love affair with the camera than with a sloppy smooch.

I must say that, for the very first time, I actually enjoyed Matt Rogers, who took to reporting live from Oklahoma like a fish to water.  He was funny, he was spontaneous, he was, gasp, likeable.  Hope someone from either entertainment or sports broadcasting was watching.  He may just get a job.  But no more dual hosts for Idol, please.  One Brian Dunkleman was one too many.  And I swear, if Latoya London had shown just a smidge of the personality she showed last night, we'd be saying her name in the same breath as we say Kelly.

And Carrie and Bo need to record together.  Their rendition of Up Where We Belong, with Carrie's soft voice and Bo's Joe Cocker huskiness, was really quite pleasant.  Shoot, if they can foot the bill for From Kelly to Justin, they can certainly record With Love from Carrie & Bo...

And I don't care what anyone says, bringing back Leandra Jackson, all prettied up and looking so incredibly happy, to finish singing the national anthem, after she so butchered it during the auditions was genius.  Sure she can't sing, but musical superstars have assaulted that song for years.  Leandra's rendition was preferable to a thousand pitch-perfect Diana DeGarmos, because she sang it for me, who butchers it too, but still sings it nonetheless.  And the look of joy on her face as she walked on stage to a standing ovation is what this show is all about.

And the most heartwarming moment?  Revisiting the very special relationship, formed in the audition waiting area, between Adam and Dirk, who I found incredibly adorable back then and just as sweet today.  Only real men sing David Hasselhoff, because he is, after all, a very challenging act to follow.  I literally jumped and applauded when the two friends were introduced in the audience.  And we've been waiting a few hundred years to see David Hasselhoff again.  I s'pose Adam is out.  Guess now it's Dave and Dirk.

The super-medley was terrific, a lesson in real music by real stars.  Constantine (have camera will mug), Jessica (I don't own fitting shirts) and Nadia (I forgot my skirt!) rocked the house with a rollicking Walk This Way, but the real star was our beautiful Vonzell, who, with Billy Preston, sent chills down my spine with the simply elegant With You I'm Born Again.  Talk about hits.  What a great single that would make.  Billy Preston is still so, well, Billy Preston.  Just as George Benson is just so George Benson.  Hope the kids took notes, cause that's how the big boys do it.

Poor Babyface though.  Who did he make angry to deserve both Mikalah (better suited for acting) and Lindsey (better suited for silence)?  They owe him bigtime.

But Sweet Home Alabama was worth the wait.

And so was the CRIMETIME LIVE:  Bad Judgment.  I don't know if I laughed harder at Randy's Corey, Randy's parents, Steve Edwards playing it all so very Primetime Live straight, or Constantine's hysterical camera mug.

And I am quite relieved that Anwar did not, in fact, cut his hair. After that I didn't care who won or wholost.

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