I keep searching for any leaks on song selection, but no luck. If the producers keep the same format (and considering this has been the season to throw out the traditional framework, so it's anyone's guess) each of them will sing three songs. Last year Diana and Fantasia each sang the original song (written by Tamyra Gray) which was later turned into Fantasia's single. Then each of them performed a song she had performed earlier in the competition (Fantasia chose Summertime and Diana selected Enough is Enough). Then they sang an additional song. (You may recall that that was when Diana performed Don't Cry Out Loud, which she had performed just the week prior. That was reportedly a last-minute substitution when the song she had prepared failed to receive clearance in time for the finale.)
However, in season two, Clay and Ruben
My prediction is that the producers will play it closer to the vest from season two, when it was clear that there would be, ultimately, two winners. They know that this season. Both Carrie and Bo will release singles, and both will sell handsomely, so I expect each of them to have an original song selected just for them. (Although, it would be a hoot to watch Bo sing a "Carrie song" and Carrie attempt a "Bo song.") I hope they each sing two additional songs that are new to the competition, rather than reaching back and retreading an already-done one, but with three new songs, countless Wednesday finale duets and group sings, it is understandable to cut the load a bit by allowing them to perform a tried-and-true number.
Speaking of Wednesday's finale, it appears certain that the original Idol, Kelly Clarkson, will be a no-show, as she is on tour. No word yet on Ruben, but Fantasia, the reigning Idol, is scheduled to perform. Other past Idol names being thrown around as guests (not necessarily on stage) are Diana DeGarmo, Camile Velasco, Jennifer Hudson, Jasmine Trias, George Huff and LaToya London, who, it's rumored, will be reporting from one of the hometown viewing parties.
Maybe you've heard that a British newspaper has already reported that Carrie Underwood won American Idol 4. That story, which appeared over the weekend, has set the Idol internet ablaze with screams of conspiracy theories. Gee, again?
Yeah right. Simon Fuller, et.al, decided back in December that Carrie would be this year's champion, carefully cultivated the hoax of a competition, only to spill the beans to a half-witted British reporter from a left-wing British newspaper, thereby setting Idol fans on their ears, and successfully spelling the end to this juggernaut of American pop culture.
Corey Clark is at it again. Seems he gets antsy when his 15 minutes is almost up, so he feels the need to catapult his bad self back into the news. This time, though, he's not after Paula -- he's after Ryan.
Clark reported told Steppin' Out Magazine that ""There's a rumor going around that [Ryan] was doing some things with Simon [Cowell]."
Ever notice that Corey knows all the rumors, but knows little in the way of facts?
Simon, et.al., were quick to respond, though.
"We've all slept with Ryan and we can confirm that he's not gay," Simon, Paula and Randy replied via e-mail.
Well, that clears that up.
If you're thinking about laying down a few c-notes on Wednesday's results, here are the current odds:
Bo is the favorite at 5-11.
Carrie is coming in at 9-5.
I wonder if I can bet Bo to show.
Actually I do have a small wager with the granddaughter, a huge Carrie fan. I bet her $5 that Carrie would be in the bottom two this week.
She bit!
Just idoling away...
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