Monday, May 23, 2005

some finale news...

We don't know what they're singing on Tuesday, and we don't know who's gonna get confetti thrown at him or her on Wednesday, but we do know that there will be some musical guests on Wednesday, perhaps idols of the Idols?

Rascal Flatts will be taking the Idol stage Wednesday to back up Carrie in a reprise of their hit Bless the Broken Road, which Carrie performed during "currently on the charts" night.  (I can't help but wonder why one would want to bless the broken road.  I would want to fix it instead.  But that's just me.)

And Inside Edition is reporting that Lynyrd Skynyrd will also be on hand to jam with Bo.  One presumes that Bo will reprise Freebird, which he sang on "sing a song that was on the charts in the year you were born" night.  (But why not go for broke, Bo -- THAT SMELL!!  Sing THAT SMELL!!)

Should be fun.



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