Evidentially the Season Four CD will be entitled "The Showstoppers." It will be on store shelves May 17, or, as usual, it is available for preorder from amazon.com.
Now if they will just define for us "showstoppers" by revealing who's singing what.
Most know by now that ABC's Primetime Live is planning an "expose" on American Idol, complete with "explosive" allegations of behind-the-scenes hanky panky between contestants and people with whom the contestants shouldn't be hanky pankying.
Could that someone be Paula?
Of course Corey Clark, he being the first AI contestant dropkicked to the curb in the finals without benefit of voting, is peddling his own expose about an alleged sexual relationship he had with Abdul during the season two competition. Clark's allegations should be taken with a Morton's salt factory, considering his financial agenda. He's also hawking his new album. If you're a fan of Corey's, and I know someone who is, check it out here. You can even get a sound bite. I listened. I spit it back out. But to each his own.
ABC is keeping mum on the revelations it plans to make which will cause us "to never watch American Idol the same way again." Well, if they're going to accomplish that, they better have more than Corey sleeping with Paula. I mean, really. How would that have advanced Corey in the competition? What would Paula have done to alter the outcome, if Corey hadn't altered it himself by beating the crap out of his sister? What could she have done? Applauded wildly, gushed disgustingly and danced on the table?
If that's the case, she must be sleeping with half of the male contestants this year, and a couple of the women. Please.
But, it seems, someone else is breaking her silence and also speaking out on the Fallen Idol special, which will air Wednesday immediately following the weekly Idol execution show. You might remember Lashundra Cobbins, of the felony theft charge, also known as the single-named Trenyce, also from season two. It seems she's sent a letter to her fans, urging them to watch and keep an open mind, especially through the court battle she's certain she'll face once it's been broadcast.
She was probably sleeping with Corey too.
Actually I find that anything promising to be "explosive" usually ends up being a dud.
NOTE: You can read a copy of Trenyce's letter here. It has made the rounds and has been authenticated.
And, on a lighter side, for those of you who miss our faves from season's past, all next week is American Idol finalists week on Family Feud. Check, as they say, your local listings.
It will the men vs. the women (gee, where have we seen that before?) beginning tomorrow. Fighting for women's rights will be Julia DeMato, Kim Locke and Vanessa Olivarez, from season two, and Amy Adams and Diana DeGarmo from season three.
They will be battling AJ Gil from season one, Ricky Smith, from season two and Matt Rogers, Jon Peter Lewis and my man George Huff, from season three.
Survey says...
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