Thursday, February 24, 2005

you're out, you're out, you're out, you're out...

It appears as though American Idol is getting what it probably was hoping for -- more controversy.  Nothing generates buzz faster, and buzz translates into ratings.

Of course the elimination of the first four was crass, not the normal, gentle release of the least-voted-for that we've become accustomed to.  And yes, the out-of-the-blue, safe one moment, gone the next shock and awe tactic left the kids, both the goners and the stayers in a state of astonishment and tears.

Was it too much?  Was it too harsh? 

It wasn't nice to see Melinda Lira in a virtual catatonic state, trying to absorb being hit over the head with the "Melinda you're out" end to her hopes.  And yes she was angry.  And yes, she was right.  She came into the semis with a huge fan deficit, courtesy of not having a smidge of airtime up until the 24 show.

But that's why she should have pulled out all of the stops and blown the place apart with a rousing, force-them-out-of-their-seat performance, not another sleepy ballad in a show dominated by sleepy ballads.  She chose to essentially plant her feet and try to handle an overused Celine Dion song.  Her choice.  Her bad.  So, while I felt for the abrupt manner in which she was tossed, I am not surprised, nor disappointed in her ouster.

Jared Yates had the same problem -- anonymity, caused by no airtime.  He needed a Hail Mary.  He got himself sacked instead with one of the most boring performances of the 24 we heard.  There are no tears being shed for Jared; he had the opportunity, and he threw it away.

Sarah Mather's dismissal was a little surprising, considering Janay's destruction the night before, but not shocking in that the promise that Sarah showed during the audition rounds was pretty much destroyed on Tuesday night, even though initially I had expected her to be in the final six.

But Judd Harris' elimination was a bit of a shock.  I didn't expect him to make it into the finals, but I sure didn't expect him to go after the first challenge. 

But c'mon Idol producers.  Was it really really necessary to play such games with these kids on live television?  Did you think running the guys through the "not you, not you" gauntlet, only to yell "psych!" was amusing?  Did you really think implying to the guys in the front row that they were safe, then screaming "just kidding!" would gain you more viewership?  Didn't that stupid stunt with George last season teach you anything?  Do you really want the blood and guts lovers to flock to your show now?  Are you that desperate for more viewers?  Don't you have enough?

"You're fired" has been taken.  "You're out" is a sappy substitute.  And not an appreciated one.  We know that the music business is cutthroat.  That's why we have Simon.  Let Ryan go back to the way it's worked for three seasons.  These kids are going to have their feelings hurt enough.  Why make it worse?

So now, how are we going to do it next week?  Force them to drink vinegar and eat fish guts?  Then we can let them sing while being disemboweled.

After all, they're just people.

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